Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New Beginnings - 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

I chose this verse to begin my blog because of its inspiration, and blessing of a new beginning. A new day has come where we want to be in a relationship with God, and we want to learn more about Him.

The beginning of this verse is so inspiring! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ” is very inclusive. I can be a part of that “anyone”. You can be a part of that “anyone”. Even if we have fallen, and gotten back up, and fallen again, we can be a part of that “anyone”. Paul, in his letter, uses the word “if” giving us the opportunity to choose if we want to be in Christ, and be in a relationship with Him and join His kingdom.

If we choose to live in Christ we become new. Paul is inviting new people into the Church, and he, with God’s inspiration, is telling them that they will be new when they choose Christ. We can become new again, born again, baptized, created, by accepting Christ into our lives.

The second part of this verse is directed towards our past and our sins. If we choose to live in Christ our old and sinful ways will be erased. God is so loving and forgiving. If we ask for forgiveness and repent of our sins then He will forgive us. He wants us to join Him in Heaven! He would do anything to have us by His side, including sending His only son to Earth to die for us. We need to let God forgive us, and we can do that by first realizing that we need to ask for forgiveness.

Once we have let our sins go and have chosen to move onto a life with Christ we can be new. It is so wonderful to think about being new in Christ! We are forgiven, and we are set free from our sins!

This verse gives us the opportunity to begin a new journey; even if it’s the fourth time we are starting again. Each day, we are given the opportunity to change lives and make the right decisions, and each day we can become new in Christ!

Questions for Thought:

What is lingering on your heart that is keeping you from becoming new in Christ?

What are some ways that you can included time in your day to sit and speak to God and reflect on your actions?

How can you encourage others to seek Christ and the new life that He has to offer?

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